CD 11 Down to the Wire

This is cross posted from our friends at RinoAlert.

The race in CD 11 is down to the wire: Republican establishment candidate David Harmer has moved from behind and is neck in neck with U.S. Marshal Tony Amador. Harmer has made much of his victim status due to an unfortunate mailer by Elizabeth Emken commenting on membership in the Mormon church. This resulted in a significant uptick in his fundraising (not to mention sympathy votes) and a last crash and burn for Emken.

At a recent event, I was challenged about my belief that Harmer would be a weak candidate against McNerney. We Republicans need to remember that who defeats McNerney is unimportant- what’s important is that he is defeated and we end the Pelosi dynasty.

Let’s remind ourselves about the 11th Congressional District-


Since the last gerrymander , the district is evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats.


Party Republican Democrat Decline to State Others
% Registratrion 39.30 39.06 17.72 3.92

The area has historically trended Republican, but that is mostly gone. Cook Report rates it at Republican +3, but this is optimistic.

  • 64.1% White
  • 19.7% Hispanic
  • 8.7% Asian
  • 3.4% African American

Generally affluent (over $60,000 median income) but unemployment in the Valley is running near 20%.

David Harmer must be able to attract enough DTS, disaffected Democrats, and Hispanic votes to have any chance. Put simply, he can’t.


Wait until Jerry “Milquetoast” McNerney and the DCCC get their teeth into Harmer. Think of the choice hits Harmer will take-

  1. Carpetbagger
    This will hurt – despite the exceptions to the rule, and more importantly the DCCC spinmeisters will tell the story of district shopping and hypocritical positions at every turn
  2. Collection Lawyer for the credit card industry
    Everybody loves bill collectors
  3. TARP porker
    Recipient of TARP bailout money after taking a huge severance, then he proceeded to apply for and take unemployment benefits while running for Congress.
  4. Utah
    Candidate Emken’s scandalous anti Mormon comments in the Republican primary hurt her credibility, but you can count on the the Dems to make sure everyone in the District knows that the real story of Harmer’s values are in Utah not the Bible belt of the Central Valley. His shameless use of his religion and family to raise money will become an embarrassment.
  5. Anti-immigrant
    His “Arrest them all and send them back to Mexico”  attitude should eliminate that pesky Hispanic vote
  6. Intellectual and personal arrogance
    Harmer comes off as a parody in public. When cutting his radio commercial, his handlers had to alter his voice electronically for his radio.
  7. The 11th Commandment
    Harmer’s invocation of the “11th Commandment” and then waging a vicious whispering campaign to attack the integrity of his opponents will come back to haunt him.

The details of the predicted attacks don’t matter, this will become truth by the time the Democratic left wing attack machine is done with David Harmer. McNerney’s strategic positioning regarding Veterans and his “hide and deny” strategy will insure that Pelosi’s lap dog stays in the Dem kennel.

I challenge anyone to devise a strategy that gets Harmer over the goal line. Numbers matter: where is the coalition of voters to defeat McNerney? Is he going to turn out Hispanics to vote for him? Is his lawyerly past going to motivate the DTS folks? McNerney won’t win big, but he’ll win. Harmer is following the Dean Andal failure playbook.

If Harmer is the Republican candidate, it will be a national tragedy, not just a local embarrassment.

Published in: on June 4, 2010 at 6:39 pm  Comments (1)  
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Who Beats Jerry McNerney?

We Republicans had damn well better think about our vote in CD 11. The “horserace” as the Contra Costs Times called it is scary close. It’s possible they might get their way, and Jerry McNerney will be all but assured of a win in November if David Harmer were to become the Republican challenger.

David has lots of problems, not the least of which is his personal demeanor. His habit of talking down to voters will kill him in the debates. I’ve never been so put off by a Republican in my life. I’ve seen David at numerous events in the district, and he has an unerring way of putting people off.

He seems to be able to channel the same attitudes of the mincing intellectual left now in charge in Washington. “If only you were smarter, you’d understand why I deserve to be in Washington.” One night in Manteca, I wanted to stand up and shout “I know what a book is, I’ve even read of couple!”

This is a massive defect for a candidate, especially for a candidate trying to reach outside his party. CD 11 is split on a knifepoint between Republicans and Democrats. David motivates no one but those who would vote Republican anyway: he’ll get 40-42% of the vote in a losing effort.

Harmer can’t run a bay area campaign and carry the Valley vote. Besides, he’ll lose the Bay Area vote to McNerney just like he did to Garamendi. He ran left last year in CD 10, before he spent a bunch of Republican money and time and lost to John Garamendi by 10 points.

We need to end Pelosi’s ability to hand victories to Obama. CD 11 is the only competitive Congressional District in California: a chance for Republicanism to redeem itself just a bit. 

David Harmer is unelectable in November. Vote accordingly.

Published in: on June 3, 2010 at 5:27 pm  Comments (1)  
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CD 11 Horserace Continues


The Little Emken that Couldn’t

You’ve got to admire the Emken campaign. I don’t know who is running her campaign, but mired in single digits, he keeps  her swinging. See her new hit piece here. Unfortunately for Elizabeth, it’s more like a Warner Bros. cartoon-

Keep swinging, Elizabeth, you might hit something eventually.

Harmer Still Carpetbagging

Elizabeth’s playbook is right about one thing, Harmer is an opportunist carpetbagger who has worked for the credit card collection agencies most of his professional life.

When you hear him in person, you’d think he has spent his life writing books (yes, David, some of us know what a book is), and in the ivory towers of conservative think tanks (truth? 16 months of think tank work total).

Imagine the Fall campaign against the Democratic machine. . .

Harmer is the Democrat’s best hope to retain CD 11.

Goehring is Disqualified

Why the heck are we still dealing with this guy? His 15 minutes are up. No matter how his consultant tries to spin things, the whole shoot the liberals Facebook blow-up is clear: we can’t trust him with guns or an internet connection. Dumb is dumb.

Plus, in case anybody has missed it, people working illegally in the U.S. has become an issue, again. Goehring is a shill for those who hire illegal aliens; he’s admitted doing it himself. Any position he takes about illegal immigration must be assumed a lie unless it fesses up to this truth.

Imagine the Fall campaign against the Democratic machine. . .

Goehring is the the Democrat’s second best hope to retain CD 11.

Illegal Immigration Debate is About National Security Not Racial Profiling!

Amador is endorsed by Rep. Tom McClintock

By U.S. Marshal Tony Amador
Republican Candidate for Congress (CA 11)

On the same day that Mexican President Felipe Calderon was schmoozing President Obama and Democratic members of Congress in Washington, another news story reported that “gun battles between security forces and armed attackers have killed nine people in two states along the U.S. border.”

Since 1996, approximately 23,000 people have died in drug-related violence in Mexico and along the U.S. border.  In contrast, earlier this week news outlets reported that the number of U.S. military personnel who had died in nearly a decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, since March 2001, reached nearly 5,400.  There was a time when Democrats criticized President Bush for the number of American deaths in Iraq.  Now, with more people having died along the Mexican border, all Democrats can do is give a standing ovation to the Mexican president. 

We have a problem that is clearly out of control.  President Obama and President Calderon seem less concerned about protecting lives and more focused on racial profiling.

Obama and the Democrats want the American public to believe this is about fairness.  Get real Mr. President, illegal immigration must be dealt with immediately because it is a national security issue. You took an oath to protect America from all enemies foreign and domestic.  It’s time to step up or step aside.

We need real leadership and we need it now.  We need to elect people that have experience, guts and determination to solve real problems like illegal immigration.  We should be less concerned about boycotts and racial profiling and more concerned about whether the person who has been stopped has drugs or an AK-47 in the backseat of the car.

Securing our borders will save lives and protect our way of life.  As a United States Marshal, and as someone who has held a Top Secret clearance, I am very aware of the Mexican drug wars spilling over into our cities.  The failed economic and national security policies of Mexico have driven people across the border.   The Obama plan is to invite the Mexican president into our nation’s Capitol and scold us about profiling.  At the same time, the Mexican government can’t seem to profile a drug dealer with an AK-47.

Our nation is facing a critical time.  Obama has already weakened our nation economically, and now with our national security at stake, he is playing politics.

On the House Floor yesterday, Rep. Tom McClintock correctly observed that President Calderon does not understand the nature of America or the purpose of our immigration law. McClintock said the purpose of America’s law is not to keep people out. It is to assure that as people come to the United States, they do so with the intention of becoming Americans and of raising their children as Americans.

Click here to watch the YouTube video of the speech.

I believe that illegal immigration is about national security.  That’s why Tom McClintock has endorsed my candidacy.  As a member of Congress, you can bet that I will not tolerate a U.S. President treating this as a political wedge issue.

It’s time for common sense in Washington.

When Will the Whining Stop?

David Harmer just can’t help himself! He continues to whine about self-invented religious attacks. First he trots out emails shamelessly using a mythical tale about his son, then has his wife feign indignation over invented religion bashing, then follows up today for another appeal for more money because of his new victim status. Here are some of the best of today’s whining and money grubbing:

Disgust! That’s my reaction. And I’m not the only one.

Last week, one of my opponents played the religion card. In a four-page attack mailer, she inserted a prominent and entirely unnecessary mention of my faith.

But I have to say, this latest nasty-gram left me stunned. I am simply appalled that someone would stoop to that level.

We welcome the encouragement and moral support. Of course, we also need money! Your contribution of $25, $35, $50, $100, or more will help us stay strong. We’re happy warriors here, and we’re eager to get back on the campaign trail.

This is your campaign, too … so please do your part. Our fundraising deadline is Wednesday, May 19 – tomorrow. Contributions of any amount are welcome and will be put to good use.

David Harmer

P.S. Although voters don’t like these desperate attacks, many remain undecided, and the primary is only three weeks away. We urgently need an infusion of funds to sustain our momentum through then. Thank you for your support.

Is this aimed at the typical CD 11 Republican? No, it’s just meant to gin up Mormon conservatives and scam them for even more than they’ve already given. Now that’s disgusting: Harmer really will stoop to anything.

Published in: on May 19, 2010 at 10:21 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Harmer’s Mormon Problem

David Harmer is a Mormon and is running a carpetbagger campaign in the CD 11 Republican primary. This would normally be no surprise nor problem. But the Harmer campaign has decided to make it an issue. There is nothing like victim status to help one get ahead in today’s politics.

Elizabeth Emken, also a candidate in the CD 11 Republican primary, sent out a campaign mailer that, I’m shocked to tell you, pictured a story about Harmer in the Mormon Times!! How despicable, to point up a Harmer article appearing in a Deseret News publication. Mrs. Harmer promptly fired off an indignant letter to everyone on Harmer’s contact list, reporting

But then she takes a gratuitous swipe at our faith … even putting “Mormon” in boldface.

It’s a none-too-subtle appeal to religious prejudice, and I find it repugnant.

Please, Elayne, methinks thou protesteth too much.

There is no gratuitous swipe at Mormonism (go here for that). No, the article in the Mormon Times is an important insight into Harmer as a possible Congressman. Harmer is quoted as saying that he “considers himself a Christian first, an American second, a conservative third and finally, a Republican.” Voters should know the candidate before casting a ballot.

The indignity over “even putting ‘Mormon’ in boldface” is simply silly. Here is the Mormon Times banner-


Mormon kind of jumps out at you, doesn’t it?

The allegation of religious prejudice is just a campaign tactic to energize more Mormons to donate to their co-religionist and claim victim status. This is not the first time Harmer has shamelessly used his family members as a campaign tactic.

The following is kind of long, but if you really want to know what kind of person David Harmer is, read away. Oh, and be sure to have a barf bag next to you just in case:

April 7, 2010. Harmer For Congress
Benjamin, my robust eight-year-old, attacks life with such gusto that he’s become a frequent patron of Kaiser’s minor injury clinic and emergency room. In fact, he’s on a first-name basis with several of the doctors, nurses, and support staff there. To his history of burns, broken bones, and stitches, he recently added a new injury: a stab wound. To the thigh. With a pocketknife. Through his jeans. Self-inflicted.
Home when it happened, I heard him shriek and came running.
"Benjamin," I said, a bit crossly, dressing the wound, "what were you doing playing with a knife? And why on earth did you stab yourself?"
"I was trying to get the quarters out," he answered, and he pointed toward one of his most prized possessions: his Statehood Quarters Collector’s Album. It lay open on the floor, with about half the quarters missing. Next to each empty slot on the 50-state map was a small gouge mark, about the size and shape that a boy trying to pry out a quarter with a pocketknife might leave.
"The quarters aren’t supposed to come out," I said. "Collecting means you save them."
"But I wanted to give them to your campaign," he explained.
"Ben, you don’t have to do that."
"But I want to, Dad."
I gave him a hug, carried him to the Suburban, and watched as Elayne drove off, heading for the hospital.
Returning to Ben’s room, I found, next to the Statehood Quarters Collector’s Album, a response card for one of our fundraising events. (I had sent an invitation to each of the kids, wanting them to feel included and important.) Ben had carefully completed the card, writing his name and address, and even filling in the blank for the amount of his contribution: $12.50. With no money in his piggy bank, he had decided to give the only cash he had: his quarter collection.
Now, Ben’s is the only injury I know of that resulted from our fundraising drive. But his willingness to sacrifice for the cause of freedom exemplifies the spirit of this campaign. I have been humbled and inspired by the generosity of our supporters, over 1200 of whom rose to the challenge and assured that we attained our first-quarter goals. I’ll provide a full report next week, but for now, please know that with your help, the campaign is off to a remarkably strong start.

David Harmer is raw ambition personified. He will go anywhere, say anything, use anybody to realize his lifelong ambition to become a Congressman. I think we’d all be more comfortable if he went back to the district in which he lives, and ran for something he might be qualified for, say District Attorney?

FOLLOW UP: See Halfway to Concord’s discussion of the CD 11 races.

Published in: on May 18, 2010 at 6:34 pm  Comments (3)  
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CD 11 & CD 19 Races Heat Up

CD 11-

Lisa Vorderbrueggen at the Contra Costa times continues her great work with bios of the Republican primary candidates:

U. S. Marshal  Tony Amador

Farm Worker Contractor Brad Goehring

Mother and Autism Activist Elizabeth Emken

Lawyer David Harmer


CD 19-

Somebody got tired of the Pombo bashing. Great new site up all about the smears thrown up the Democrat Enviro-Radicals and RINOs afraid of a return to Congress by Richard Pombo.

Voters in the 19th need to think very hard about how effective they want their next Congressman to be- some unknown freshman or someone the entrenched interests are afraid of.

Myths and smears Logo

Published in: on May 10, 2010 at 3:52 pm  Leave a Comment  
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